Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 13 (68) - Really tired and ...zzzzz

I can't seem to string together three, or even two really good long runs, so I'm wondering yet again whether I bit off more than I can chew. The good thing is that there's only six weeks to go ...but the bad thing is I only have six more weeks to train. I looked at pictures from last year's marathon, and there was snow on the ground. Sounds good.

At the moment, I'm trying to decide what's wrong with me. I feel queasy, but not the kind of queasy where you feel like you have to hurl. Food just doesn't taste good. I'm thinking that I'm out of balance. Dehydration would be too simple, although my urine was bright orange this morning, so maybe that's part of it. I lost six pounds on Saturday's run and was afraid to weigh myself on Sunday. I'm too porous. I'm totally drained. Sleep would definitely help. It's been a while since I got even six solid hours. I've jettisoned vitamins and need to start up again.

Anyway, I got in 68 miles this past week and have run 16 out of the last 17 days, which sounds like a terrible idea now that I see it in writing. The Saturday long run was fairly easy. Mike, Roger and I ran 20 at a pace pretty close to 7:30. Sunday, I had no plan, but ran around the trail and doubled back and added miles here and there, and ended up with almost 16. (I think) I really need a new Garmin. Wasn't hungry all day. Thought I drank quite a bit, but maybe not. Late that night, I drank a couple beers with Sam, my neighbor, a bored ex-Air force guy in a wheelchair who just moved here and needs a friend. Stayed up too late because he wanted me to see "Generation Kill" on HBO. It was a good show, but it wasn't over until after midnight. I was too tired to sleep well.

Today (Monday/technically a new week), I ran an uncomfortable and slow 11 miles. Thought about taking the morning off and taking a nap, but needed to make headway on some back-burner projects.

I'd really like to log 300 miles this month - that just sounds like a lot me anyway. Especially, since a more typical summer month would be less than half that.

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